Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 07:07 Id: 2e893e No.142057 del
comment from an Aussie...

Just a word of caution
All Assange’s legal team had to do was ask the people to surround the QEII and now KCIII, and have the Monarch pardon Assange.
🚩 the fact Julian’s “legal team”, never took such an action should ring an alarm bell!
The stunts the legal team did pull which of course led no where “October 10, 2022, Stella and thousands of others locked arms in a human chain around the Parliament of the United Kingdom ( WHEN THE PERSON WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN SURROUNDED AND INSTRUCTED WAS THE MONARCH!
Assange now released and is being accompanied by former PM Kevin Rudd and apparently will be flown direct into Canberra 🚩🚩🚩
…. 🤔🤔🤔 if one was in such a position the last people you’d want to be seen with would be politicians (past or present), all the bureaucratic diplomats would be fucked off also, as well as ANY main stream media!
Julian is quite capable of speaking for himself and here’s hoping NO ONE IS GRANTED and interview!
If Julian has something to say let’s hope he goes live and speaks with no editing