Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 11:04 Id: 0b00eb No.142058 del
Ottawa won't disclose threats from "high risk, high harm" PRC proxy

Op/Ed: Other nations have named PRC secret police proxies that allegedly fund Parliamentarians and threaten Diasporas, but Canada won't reveal dangers in "egregious" NSICOP case study

A few weeks ago I joined a panel of experts on Chinese foreign interference at McGill University with MP Michael Chong.

Along with McGill’s cyber-security researcher Benjamin Fung and Le Journal’s Sarah-Maude Lefebvre we discussed threats to Canada with graduate students from across the nation.

The panel occurred in the wake of NSICOP’s bombshell review of intelligence leaks that I started to report in November 2022, confirming that Canadian election candidates have been wittingly colluding with Beijing in election interference and accepting clandestine fund transfers “from foreign missions or their proxies.”