Anonymous 07/09/2024 (Tue) 13:09 Id: bca749 No.142707 del
JULY 9, 1987
Marcos Plan to Invade
The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs held a hearing to gather testimony about plans by Filipino radical and former dictator Ferdinand Marcos to invade the Republic of the Philippines. Marcos' former attorney, Richard Hirschfeld, provided information to the Subcommittee after having secretly taped several of their conversations. In an attempt to preclude Hirschfeld’s testimony, Marcos (via letter) invoked the attorney-client privilege. Members also heard from Robert Chastain, a confidante of Mohammed al Fassi (a Marcos ally) and business partner to Mr. Hirschfeld.
Per requests by the Justice Department, the committee recessed to an Executive Session to discuss sensitive matters.

JULY 9, 2002
Medal of Freedom Award Ceremony
American Perspectives featured the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony. President Bush presented the nation’s highest civilian honor to 12 recipients. Former South African President Nelson Mandela and opera singer Placido Domingo were unable to be present and were represented by their children. Lally Weymouth accepted the posthumous award for her mother, the late publisher of the Washington Post Katharine Graham.

JULY 9, 2020
Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Visits Childhood Home in Scranton, Pennsylvania
Following remarks in Dunmore, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, made a stop at his childhood home in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He greeted Ann Kearns, who lives in the home, as well as several other neighbors.

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