Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 15:03 Id: b53a8d No.142800 del
Ivermectin is anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and now neuroprotective


Ivermectin may not just be the anti-parasitic, anti-cancer, anti-viral repurposed drug we recognise but may have multiple other neuroprotective benefits for humanity in an era where we all may be subjected to neurotoxins – some apparent like vaccines and others invisible like electromagnetic frequencies (“EMFs”).

Ivermectin for Parkinson’s Disease – MS, Stroke, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, and Schizophrenia? Modulated through P2X4 Receptors

By Dr. Justus R. Hope

We all should know that ivermectin is effective not only against river blindness but can be repurposed against many different types of cancer, even against metastatic disease.

During the 2020 pandemic, ivermectin saved many lives worldwide, and not just in the Intensive Care Unit. Ivermectin has also been used to treat long covid and long vaxxed patients by eminent physicians like Dr. Pierre Kory. Some people, like yours truly take ivermectin weekly for its protective or preventative effects.

When you consider the broad spectrum of its anti-disease activity in combination with its vast safety profile, why would you not?

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