Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 18:28 Id: f5cf56 No.142838 del
0:00 The Scandal in Guatemala Intro

4:20 Interview Begins - Explaining the AG’s letter about child trafficking at the US border that the US government may be involved in.

7:12 Clarifying that this investigation involves sexual crimes against children.

8:24 Is there any explanation for the fact that 70% of all unaccompanied minors at the border come from either Guatemala or Honduras that isn’t rooted in child trafficking?

9:14 Clarifying that the claim the Guatemalan AG has includes claims that US officials and Guatemalan officials are allowing this trafficking.

9:40 Did they know Jill Biden used to be the chair of the NGO they raided recently?

12:15 Information on Biden Admin cutting off communication over certain AG office employees being fired by the current AG of Guatemala.

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