Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 13:33 Id: 925657 No.143239 del
will have to depart, could use baker or notetaker here

#448 >>143169 EARLIES
>>143173 Gaetz to McCarthy: if you took that stage, you would get boo'd off of it
>>143174, >>143175 Notable meme: THE SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD
>>143176 Sen. Blackburn: "The American people deserve answers from the Secret Service"
>>143177, >>143178, >>143179, >>143180, >>143181, >>143182, >>143183, >>143184, >>143185, >>143186, >>143187, >>143188 Swamp Today Bun July 17 2024
>>143191, >>143192 Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on role of local law enforcement at the rally
>>143213 , >>143230 Water Tower mp4 juxtaposition with Trump speech
>>143219 How Trump survived from Japanese POV - KEKS
>>143220 PF - Zelensky on the ground in London
>>143221, >>143222, >>143223, >>143224, >>143225, >>143226, >>143228, >>143229, >>143231, >>143233, >>143235 The Swamp Today bun - Thursday, July 18 2024