Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 13:56 Id: 7b7022 No.144818 del

Knowing is Half The Battle!

The People's Audit ( can now monitor the vote by mail process to make sure mail in ballots are not being abused and everything reconciles with the final advertised vote counts.

We do this in 4 Ways:

1.) Address Verification - We verify the mailing address in every version of the mail ballot requests and make sure counties are updating the status to "Undeliverable."

2.) Voter Verification - We are still shocked to see voters with more than one mail ballot requests in multiple counties. As well as we see requests for voters that no longer exist or are currently inactive.

3.) Change Monitoring - EVERY SINGLE CHANGE IS DOCUMENTED. And we can check if requests are being added or removed at any time. We also continue to see address changes much like Red Belly Road.

4.) Reconciliation - We can now reconcile the advertised mail vote counts with what was requested for every county and state wide. Every vote must reconcile.

This should be a game changer for the upcoming general election