Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 06:24 Id: d36aae No.144858 del
[Theater of the Absurd]

Bird flu and H5N1, vaccinations and AIDS

Dr Lanka, are we in Germany threatened by the bird flu?
Only indirectly.
Next year there will be much fewer babies in Germany. According to the media, the storks will all be snatched away by the bird flu. To this we should now accomodate our minds.

Do you mean that seriously?
Just as seriously as there being any danger for us from the purported bird flu virus H5N1. The danger or the disaster lies somewhere else entirely.

Where, in your opinion, does the danger or the disaster lie?
--We have allowed ourselves to lose the habit of using our reason.--
That is the actual danger or the disaster. The politicians and the media are taking it upon themselves to delude us into believing everything, for instance, delude us into believing that migratory birds in Asia have been infected with an extremely dangerous, deadly virus.
These mortally diseased birds then keep flying for weeks on end. They fly thousands of kilometres, and then in Rumania, in Turkey, Greece and elsewhere infect hens, geese or other poultry, with which they have had no contact, and which within a very short time get diseased and die. But the migratory birds do not get diseased and do not die, but keep on flying, for weeks on end, thousands of kilometres. Anyone who believes this will believe too that babies are brought by the stork. In fact the larger part of people in Germany do believe in a danger from bird flu, don't they?

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