Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 02:18 Id: d36aae No.144913 del
>>144911, >>144912
How can any government official or medical professional not know the history of vaccine mandates...knowingly or unknowingly are both guilty? Two things can be true.

THE POISONED NEEDLE: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
By Eleanor McBean, 1957


In a published article in LIFE magazine, April 17, 1950, General Eisenhower, in discussing the poor conditioning of our fighting forces, said: "I remember one time in Africa when we had only four divisions in the field, and I was desperate for men, I found we had 6,000 men in hospitals in Africa unavailable for combat — and not one of them had suffered a wound."
All these men were in prime condition when they went to war. Forty-seven per cent of our young men were unfit for service and were rejected. This was an "all time high" record of unfitness, indicating the decadent trend of our nation’s health. But the most perfect men were inducted and sent to the Army camps to be shot full of vaccine poisons and other drugs.''' After this drastic course of malpractice thousands of boys were invalided home as physical and mental wrecks before they even left American soil. Others were sent to the battlefield where they collapsed and had to be hospitalized.
During the Second World War I heard that seven men had dropped dead on the floor of the vaccinator’s office at Birmingham after being vaccinated. I wrote to the government for verification and learned from the printed official government statement that in just the first six months of the war, there were not just seven vaccination deaths, but there were 62 deaths from yellow fever vaccine alone. The men received from 14 to 24 vaccinations of all varieties but the full report of all vaccination deaths was not given. The casualties were probably tabulated under other causes. The report of the US Secretary of War, Henry L. Simpson regarding the deaths from yellow fever "shots" reads in part:
"RECENT ARMY EXPERIENCE WITH YELLOW FEVER VACCINE RESULTED IN 28,505 CASES OF HEPATITIS (disease of the liver) WITH 62 deaths, as of July 24, 1942."
The British Army finally abandoned compulsory vaccination when the numerous law suits for deaths and damages made it mandatory.
On February 5, 1954, Mr. Birch, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defense, assured Mr. Charles R. Hobson, M. P. that the British troops retain their right to refuse vaccination and all inoculations, even when fighting under United Nations Command.
England was the country that introduced compulsory vaccination and being a proud and somewhat self-righteous nation, she did everything possible to make vaccination work so she would not have to admit her guilt in this respect. But with all the subterfuge, artful persuasion and coercion, vaccination was at last admitted to be a failure and a calamity. Since the vaccination law was repealed the health of that country has been steadily improving. In view of these unrefutable facts, it is not compatible with our standards of justice and democratic ideals for our U. S. government to lend itself to the uses of the medical and drug trusts in their money-making vaccination schemes.

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