Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 12:50 Id: 0f334c No.144983 del
2:00 AM EDT
Our Kindred Creatures - How Americans Came to Feel the Way They do About Animals. New York Times Magazine editorial director Bill Wasik and veterinarian Monica Murphy look at how American’s views on animal cruelty have changed since 1866. Community Bookstore in New York City hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

3:05 AM EDT
Back Roads and Better Angels. Bloomberg Opinion columnist Francis Barry talks about his travels along the Lincoln Highway and the people he met along the way. The highway stretches from Times Square in New York City to Lincoln Park in San Francisco.
American History/BookTV

4:15 AM EDT
Passport Stamps - Searching the World for a War to Call Home. Former NPR war correspondent Sean Carberry discusses reporting from hostile environments and the physical and emotional toll it can take.

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