Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 06:45 Id: 49d7dd No.145200 del
National Security Implications
Evolution in biological terms, refers to a descent with modification. This can be applied to virtually any social concept that has changed throughout time. In the case of terrorism, evolution is an adequate term to apply. The attacks of 9/11 displayed an evolution of terror and barbarity that has only continued to evolve in today’s international arena. Terrorists that have switched to criminal enterprises have spurred in the last decade. Transnational criminal organizations, who for all intents and purposes are terrorists in their own right, have assisted terrorists in this evolution. Terrorism and Crime have evolved into a Terror-Criminal nexus. Globalization has created new avenues and domains for social integration. Businesses, markets, social media, and politics have all benefitted from globalization but so has this terror-criminal nexus, so much so that our country is being penetrated by these terrorist-criminal nexuses today. National security implications are very concerning to say the least. An imminent attack is the most feared of all implications. Disrupting businesses and federal institutions such as banks and immigration offices poses another threat.
The exploitation of issues facing the nation today can be detrimental to our national security. Immigration is a huge concern right now. Illegal entry is a vital political concern for the U.S. and Mexico. A nexus between Mexican DTO Los Zetas and Hezbollah only exacerbates the necessity for immigration reform and new security protocols. Roger Noriega, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, could not be clearer in his urgent warnings: “If our government and responsible partners in Latin America fail to act, I believe there will be an attack on U.S. personnel, installations or interests in the Americas as soon as Hezbollah operatives believe that they are capable of such an operation without implicating their Iranian sponsors in the crime.” (Mauro, 2013, p.1)