Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 19:29 Id: 49d7dd No.145246 del
Law Enforcement issued a be-on-the-lookout alert June 2, 2023 for American Ryan Routh for a human trafficking scheme

Our sources in the intel community have shared a BOLO about the second Trump shooter that went out months ago. This guy - and his connections to Iran - were KNOWN.

Be aware of American Ryan Routh. Reports indicate that he is leading a human trafficking scheme. He is instructing Afghans to travel illegally to Iran with the promise they will link up eventually with the Ukrainian legion to fight. This is fraud as NO official pathway exists for this from the Ukrainian Government for our allies in Afghanistan. Also, despite promised funding support it has not come to fruition and he has abandoned Afghans illegally in Iran.
Stay vigilant from these fraudsters and feel free to copy this to spread the word! #StaySafe
This is his website:
This is his number on Signal/WhatsApp/Viber: 1-800-464-8342