Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 05:48 Id: 49d7dd No.145250 del
scraped from websites
Maxwell Yearick Has Gone Missing Since Trump Rally
Edward Heckman

Maxwell Yearick went missing on 14th July, Sunday. His parents has filed a missing person report with the FBI after his phone went off. Unknown people have deleted Facebook and Instagram accounts of Maxwell Yearick.
Maxwell Yearick & Thomas Crooks trained at Clairton Sportsmens Club where DHS & ICE also train. Yearick had the tattoo on his arm as did the body on the roof NOT Crooks.
Bank records of Thomas Crooks reveal a few unusual payments to two individuals, Ryan Routh and Peter Riddle. We attempted to contact Ryan Routh through his Facebook account, but the messages weren’t delivered, which is another unusual aspect of this case. The home of the other suspect, Peter Riddle, in Virginia, has been locked since July.
As an important CIA asset, Yearick and Routh facilitated millions of dollars in cash payments for recruiting informants. Both Maxwell Yearick and Ryan Routh had previously worked at Patterson Energy, a company owned by the Rothschild family.

I’m Edward Heckman, author of this article. My Twitter was today blocked by the CIA Shills. Pls DM and Follow me on my New Account.

Point Detail
Shooter Trump was shot by Yearick
Reports Discrepancy in shooter identity
Rally Butler, Pennsylvania incident
Missing Disappeared after rally

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