Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 13:11 Id: 2db959 No.145337 del
Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr - I’m paying close attention to the seed oil issue. But a bigger issue is industrial food replacing local, diverse, minimally processed, natural food produced by small and mid-sized farms and ranches.

Rothmus @Rothmus - Oooohhhh

Skscartoon @skscartoon - I was initially disappointed with Trump's debate performance, yet just days later, the only thing people are talking about from the debate is 'they're eating the dogs and cats'.
I have to admit, Trump's instinct for controlling the narrative is absolutely astonishing

Skscartoon @skscartoon - Trump's first day in office be like

Skscartoon @skscartoon - her plan in a nutshell

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