Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 12:44 Id: 2bc437 No.146131 del
Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr - The capacity for critical thinking has been so overwhelmed and subverted in my generation that they didn't see the possibility of an unprecedented level of control. They went along with COVID, which looked like in many ways a psyops program with orchestrated fear to disable the capacity for critical thought. Now, those same mechanisms are being used for them to support Kamala Harris.

Skscartoon @skscartoon - #TeamAmerica! Updated

Tatsuya Ishida @TatsuyaIshida9 - Jew Signal

The Daily Cartoonist - CSotD: What is in a name, and other ponderables

The Daily Cartoonist - Wayback Whensday

Zippy The Pinhead - Short Stint

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