11/07/2024 (Thu) 14:13
Id: 364026
>>147101>>147102>>147103>>147104>>1471056:30 AM EST
Professionals Roundtable (World Urban Forum 12th Session) - Roundtables are action-oriented events that bring together peers to exchange views and opinions on key urban issues. The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization. The twelfth session will take place in Cairo, Egypt, 4 - 8 November 2024.
United Nations AM EST
Special Session 7: The wisdom of civilizations (World Urban Forum 12th Session) - How can lessons of the past illuminate our urban present and provide solutions for an uncertain future? This special session is co-curated with Legacy – The Operator of the Grand Egyptian Museum. The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization. The twelfth session will take place in Cairo, Egypt , from 4 to 8 November, 2024.
United Nations AM EST
Participation by Board member Mr Frank Elderson in panel "Stepping up: a new era for international climate leadership" at Friends of Europe’s flagship Festival of politics and Ideas "Voices, choices and leadership: a tipping point for Europe?" in Brussels, Belgium
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