Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 22:44 Id: 68b010 No.56058 del
The paddle steamer turned floating pub TATTERSHALL CASTLE. The vessel had an overall dark blue hull and the funnel had a white top, a red band, and then a dark blue lower up until January of 2015. A refit conducted had her away from the Victoria Embankment until April of 2015 and during that time her hull was painted an overall grey with the funnel having a light blue top, two yellow bands, and a red lower.
The images in NSA_Traf_CAM_ROT1 - 1423 show the funnel in the older white-topped scheme so a Not After bookend of January 2015 appeared. Here is a video from BBC showing arrival for the refit that would change the funnel and hull colours:

BBC Look North - Tattershall Castle arrives in Hull 23-JAN-2015-P [Embed]