Anonymous 09/09/2021 (Thu) 03:22:25 Id: fec97c No.9650 del
(121.37 KB 927x1116 THE 9 11 GANG.png)
(317.68 KB 889x2934 THE 9 11 GANG2.png)
tagged by some as deeply involved with the planning..
It's a data point.
"Historical Development Leading Up To 9/11 As A Hoax"

Not sure if Shack and his group use the word "Hoax"correctly.
I'm prefer "simulation" "Propaganda simulation" or "False Flag"

Historical Development Leading Up To 9/11 As A Hoax
They believe or pretend to, that Edna Cintron is CGI "fake"
They tormented "the Webfairy" over this calling he a shill, government agent, attack her for the way she supposedly looked; the whole schmear.
Everything in this essay would have to be verified. And then again, connected directly to 9/11 attack, which I don't see it necessarily doing.
Connects drug running systems between North and South America to desire for control systems, leading to the 9/11 false-flag attack to give reason for greater control.

Looks like the original essay has been cut / deeply abridged

I used to have this picture in it

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