Anonymous 09/28/2017 (Thu) 06:09:16 No. 214 del
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It sucks. It really does. Seems our choices are going to be "have a slow, comfy board" or "have a fast board that has lots of low quality posts". 4chan may look better than 8chan or endchan, and 4chan may be faster than both, but I see a lot of potential in 8chan, the altchans, and other places.

All a 4chan moderator would have had to have done to fix /r9k/s issues is care about its userbase. That's all that was ever required. Instead, they'll let it go to shit and justify alienating the core userbase because "lol moot said it should be that way"

I'd rather put forth my quality posts on both endchan and 8chan than to put effort into posting on 4chan. Why? Because my post will likely be ignored and flushed down the catalog minutes or hours after I make it. This just encourages shitposting.

I'll take my slow, cobbled together altchans over 4chan's speed and lack of post quality any day.

I still use 4chan. And I'll probably keep using 4chan. But more and more the only thing I do is lurk it.