Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 10:02 No.51254 del
For how much I like to think of myself as a smarter, or at least more conscious or woke person than the average, two things took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out

1) other people are not always right. I don't know where I got this from but I've always been the kind of person who pretty much believes anything they're told, up until someone else comes along and contradicts that previous wisdom. it's like I started seeing normies as some sort of authority, maybe because I was living on their turf so to speak, so my subsconscious took every piece of advice and every opinion they shared with me very seriously, I guess it surmised that I had to learn to adapt. More recently I started believing more in the way *I* see things even if that implies running risks and guarantees constant conflict. I hope to strike a healthy balance some day, that would be great

2) I'm not like the other boys. Memery aside I already talked about this a few days ago but I didn't mention that it took me a loooonnnngg time to accept that most people's conception of the world and of life are very different from my own. I'm never really going to understand theirs and they're never really going to understand mine. It's hard to accept this because I guess it forces you to realize just how lonely you really are, but there comes a point when it can't be denied anymore, after you've experienced enough failures in trying to relate to them or establish some sort of connection