Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:58 No.51262 del
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Juicy thinking here.
Those issues come down to "knowing your hardware", and this is not very intuitive and require some experimentation.

Ideally, you will take every possible path and then figure out all the contradictions and then out of that you will have rebuilt your personal belief system as your own, and not something you just believed/copied from others whose intentions, precedence and consequences you do not know.

But that is not really possible to do just with our regular normal way of thinking, it would take more than a whole life.
But here is the thing, that is just a fraction of your hardware power. Would you be able to walk if you had to think about contracting and releasing every single muscle of your body manually? Would you remember to breathe in the correct interval? Did you remember to pump your hearth meanwhile? Etc...
The mind is a ridiculously powerful super computer, doing insane calculations. A lot of it is "specialized" functions, but even those can be explored.
Example: Judith Polgar and her sisters were trained by their fathers to prove a theory that Chess is played by exploiting the facial recognition system of the brain to recognize plays.
It is now recognized that most top players do this, they recognize arrangements of pieces as they recognize the face of a person, and just know by feeling what those plays are/mean/how to respond.

So, trying to keep it simple (3rd rewrite), there are other ways of thinking that take advantage of functions of our brain that make it possible to think in hundreds of those branches at the same time, and solve the contradictions. This is possible because like I said, our thinking is just a fraction of the system.
If you enable other "avatars" of different perspectives to exist in your mind, they will do their own thinking of those branches, and they will debate among themselves the contradictions.