Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:20 No.51271 del
>Did you ever do anything like that? As a kid I had a big dirt hole I'd play in, and later a big pile of rocks and there was one big flat rock that I could break other rocks against. That was fun.
Yes, all the time, whenever I could. I would often burrow either in the garden. I also had a dirt hole to dig in as well. But also in the nearby forest together with some other kids. We even found some clay several times which was the highlight of our burrowing. Some dudes in suits came by once or twice and said we should stop doing that since this belongs to the city or something (we didn't stop)

>It is a low voice, though It seems Portuguese fosters low voices. Did you see that clip of that Audra girl I've been posting? She really sounds like a tranny.
Was that the one where you all did a whole transvestigation on and came to the conclusion that she is female?

Sounds interesting. I think I agree with everything said there or see it the same way.
I used to think that I was dumb for the longest time, until I started to learn programming in my late 20s and found that it helped me to transform myself in a positive way