Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 11:00 No.51302 del
>so what exactly do you want to do?
I could write a big wall of text about this but rather to keep it brief
With the whole world becoming less free, to form a group of like minded people who are concerned with all this and with the goal in mind to work together to help each other out as best as they can. Ideally it would be a group of people of different professions and talents or skills, but generally it would have to be the type of person that enjoys constant learning about new topics, the world and enjoys learning to understand and to gain insight, to improve himself and to become a better person. It can't be people who are selfish, greedy, egotistic, and so on. Interest in technical things would be good. Sometimes I see people who could be that type for example this guy >>51290
I don't have one particular thing I would want to do, although I could name a bunch of different things, but if you brought together a group of like minded, smart individuals, they could come up with some good ideas on how to deal with how the world currently is and what the world is changing into. A group like that would also bring out the best in each other and help to elevate the others in certain ways. For example there could be people who are brilliant at math or programming, but have no clue about finances and economics, and if they were brought together they could accomplish something that would create money for the group. Or some people might not be good at social things, but have some ideas that require social skills. People can learn different skills from the others that they themselves don't possess and generally uplift each other