Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 15:19 No.51306 del
I did, that caused my tow truck phase when I was 3 or 4.
Very nice screencap

Neat. I've seen that guy go through other charts but this one is new to me. Highest I've been is level 7 I think. Also I'm realizing that many more people than I assumed are at lower levels. Even though they can use a lot of big words and assemble them well, their process is still "use the right symbols/mouth sounds = get what I want from the others"

I'm level 3 when I have to go outside. The "darkies stay away or I'll stab you" mode. When I'm shitposting here I get to go higher.

Is she part north african? Nice butt pic. She's pretty but I wouldn't give up my +1 to Agartha to her.

>fitting that you would say "brothers" because only the men are emigrating to europe lmao

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