Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:34 No.51522 del
>I only ever watched 1 thing from Sam Hyde.
I never thought I'd be able to relate to the redditors that freak out whenever they run into someone who hasn't seen all the movies of their favorite franchise

>learning how to scam is important in life
well yes. I'd argue that that's the very basis of capitalism. now much like with androids and "feeling" this depends on how exactly you'd define the word "scam", but there's definitely an aspect of scamming to the things that most wealthy people did to get there. even in the middle/upper middle class there's a lot of that going on, just in more subtle and nuanced ways. most people would probably disagree with me on this but I've always seen things as simple and accepted as increasing profit margins arbitrarily in commerce or cutting corners in a production line as things that constitute "scamming". I don't believe in such a thing as "honest" or "fair" competition, I think that sort of talk is just copium and the whole system rewards people for being as dishonest as possible

To be clear I'm not trying to shill socialism or any other alternative, that dishonesty that capitalism rewards is the source of all of our modern comforts is it not? Obviously I have my issues with capitalism as do most people but still, I'll take it over the next "it's gonna work for real this time" attempt at true socialism that inevitably ends up starving millions of innocent people. But I like the idea of "common sense" tax rates based on income/net worth, I'm not much of a libertarian much less an ancap