Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:18 No.51586 del
I didn't like how long winded he was either, but I think the general point he was trying to get at is that there is nothing that's even close to a cure for autism and that it's more of a tragedy than people realize. Everyone screams and shouts and calls for help when someone crashes their car at 30 km/h or hits their head against something hard, but nobody will ever stop to ponder what sort of suffering a person with autism could've gone through in their lives. I can relate to him when he talks about how he feels worn down by bad experiences, tired from exerting himself mentally, hopeless (at least in regards to finding your place in the world, not necessarily about all aspects of life)

>answering every question regarding social activities with "i am not interested in it"
it's no wonder that we get along well