Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:12 No.51828 del
(4.98 MB 576x1024 895218771.mp4)
The general practitioner that treated my mom the last two times is a kind, humble man that's very easy to talk to. There's not much chance of even the slightest conflict with someone like that, any disagreements can be resolved easily and pleasantly. Her psychiatrist, on the other hand, is an insufferable piece of shit who thinks she's a huge deal and probably wishes she could make her patients and their relatives get on their knees and eat her pubic hair before she even acknowledges their presence. There should honestly be so much more scrutiny for doctors than there is. It's one thing if a doctor lashes out at someone or misbehaves because of too much stress, lack of sleep, or because the patient started it. It's a whole different deal if they've just come back from a one month vacation and they're still treating everyone as if they were rats infesting the hospital. At that point just get a different job or something idk but it's not those people's fault that you're that bitter, you're making everyone's lives harder