Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:59 No.51877 del
>And did it ever lead to doing something you came to regret? Like assaulting or hurling insults at someone who in retrospect you realized didn't deserve it? For me, I realized I had acted out like a child immediately after it happened. I guess that's a good thing. But I really wish it had never happened. I did not know the feeling of regret at all until recently
When I was younger I punched someone when he was rude to an older person, but I apologized to him afterwards
Is it possible to apologize to that person?
If you have the self awareness of knowing that it was dumb or unwarranted and that you regret, then it is already more awareness or empathy than most people have. From what you post here you seem to do a good amount of self reflection about yourself