Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:25 No.52097 del
>Well, I have a plate and eight screws in me. There shouldn't be any long-term mobility problems, though. They told me there might be some nerve damage, but it's too early to tell. Unfortunately, I fell on my right side, and I'm right-handed, so I have to do everything with my left hand for the next few weeks, at least.
Does it mean you are only typing with one hand now?

>this bitch looks like the game of thrones ten myrcella chick tbh
I don't know how you are seeing any resemblance between them

>Oh I mistook you for cam there. He never thanks me. I go through the trouble of clicking on a video that youtube shows me, highlighting the URL, pressing not one but two keys at once, coming back here, clicking on the text field and pressing TWO keys again, all to get absolutely nothing in return from him. Who does he think he is? Tell me
Your links consist to 90% of car reviews

Nice neck