Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 06:08 No.52236 del
Speaking of which, I just left the hospital at almost 2 AM to buy cigs for my little sister. With her social circles being so shitty I've always worried that she'd end up stealing or worse yet, degrading herself in exchange for cigarette money so I promised her I'd always buy her cigs whenever she ran out. I have NO IDEA whether I'm doing the right thing or not. I could use some advice from daddy Doc in regards to this. And make sure you're wearing leather while you type

>It's just annoying that once again I can't get away with things that normal people do all the time
I mean, you could just buy a lightly used Corolla. You don't want that life. You're facing the consequences of your actions now. I WISH I was still creating my own problems like when I was a kid and would install the weirdest least usable linux distros I could find (there were many)