Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 09:18 No.52238 del
>That's my problem with cam's advice as well. A lot of the time you can't tell if he's an actual human being giving out genuine advice or just Apple's slogan
>This fucking normie. I get that he is a hammer(psychologist) and likes to treat every problem like it's a nail needing to be hit, but good lord. Do these people have like a chip in their brain that will kill them if they ever give out practical advice?
What do you consider practical advice?
The advice that would help both of you is to change your thinking because you think of yourself too negatively. Once you have changed your thinking you can help yourself. You don't need practical advice from others.
The video I tried to link to CC at least 10 times talks about this, maybe from a somewhat business perspective but it is the same principle and can be applied to everything. basically all philosophers have brought up this exact same thought using slightly different wording