Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:04 No.52246 del
>What do you consider practical advice?
Things like "you need to make more money" "you need a haircut that doesn't look retarded" "there are no females in this area, you need to go somewhere else". Though I get that it's impossible to say those kind of things in response to that reddit post that Healthy Phone Scammer GG was responding to.

Congrats on the follower, an affirmation of your taste in art.
Liz reposted this artist, though I think it's because hes a gay jew (I deduced this from one picture of his face) from le Brooklyn than that his art is any good.

Now that's practical advice. A long time ago Kevin Samuels did a stream about manchildren or something like that and he gave tons of practical advice about how to make your living space appealing to a woman. Concret things like "have everything perfectly clean" "have a bar and know how to make a few drinks" "buy lots of incense and good smelling things" "have some music ready to go that fits the mood"

Hello good morning sirs