Doc 04/06/2024 (Sat) 15:08 No.53470 del
>I don't know how specific or general you're being with this statement, but I don't fully agree with it. For the most part I think you're right, it's just that it sounds like typical "tough love" or "man up"

When I say "answer", I mean more like a moral code. How far would you go in defending yourself and yours if it came to it, how much you have to prepare, and what kind of efforts you support.
It can range from: I'm a pacifist even if it means I have to watch my daughters being raped by dogs, and I oppose the research of any weapons. To literally hitler.

To be fair to our ancestors, they didn't have the genetic knowledge to understand what effects large civilizations would have on us. They thought they were being smart.
Now we are at a point we are closer to gene editing than we are to being smart enough to do eugenics right. So be it, we already paid the price.