Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 03:55 No.53531 del
>Too busy listening to V-Rock I guess.
I was one of those weird kids who didn't deliberately listen to music ever. Started at like 18-19... with Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift they were actually pretty good back then no rugrats

>When's the last time you've seen someone do a J-turn in a car review? (5:18)
oh I clicked on your video but apparently I skipped the best parts like a fucking retard. yeah that kind of driving in a review was rare even back then I think

congrats. I'm not surprised they're cool, most studios that work on games are. Hip young fun loving people and all that stuff. Reminds me of that Simpsons episode on the topic. That was a good one. Anyway I'm impressed by your mastery over life once again (even considering that you have the advantage of being old, wrinkly and senile)

>also Beacon 23 season 2.
oshit finally some actual good news in my life