Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 14:42 No.53659 del
It's Hoechella season once again

Women don't seem to have that disgust response like from that meme I posted. Thanks for limiting the degeneracy a bit.

>My waifu Devon is so pretty
It's true.
Just some old fashion internet stalking. gym is @themillergym, her insta is @wingbud (private of course)
Short hair girl is Nora Powers, insta is @noras_notions I think. She has good content.

Very jewish threat from the URL alone

It sounds to me like you need to get your mom's and sister's names off those rental properties at all costs. That will let you be neet, and instead of you having to deal with them, THEY will have to deal with YOU.
I've been listening to that loud black man's livestreams (I linked that clip of him about therapy and therapists). He has some advice about women that make sense to me (have leverage over them, never split any bills or responsibilities/make everything a yes or no, don't get legally tied up with them because they will cause nothing but problems)

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