Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 20:14 No.53675 del
(700.04 KB 1365x2048 taylorhill_zrCirlG0_o.jpg)
It's happening bros: I uploaded my first 3d pic to deviantart and got my first favorite on it

>yeah, she's the same girl in all the other pics. Vika/Viktoria Nikolskaia. sadly she's not that tall, "only" 1,77
That's pretty tall and a good height imo. I like her

>It's true.
>Just some old fashion internet stalking. gym is @themillergym, her insta is @wingbud (private of course)
>Short hair girl is Nora Powers, insta is @noras_notions I think. She has good content.
Thanks and good job on the stalking

Are you making any progress with them eating from your hand?