Doc 04/13/2024 (Sat) 22:11 No.53686 del
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You get whatever situation/reality is making you angry or hopeless, and stare at it, just vent out how fucked it is, how much a piece of shit you are, how much a piece of shit other people, even people you love are. Disregard how anyone would feel about it, be entirely selfish and entirely self-hating. Once you have the scenario laid bare, you create hypothetical ways "should this be the reality" you would go about living on it, what it takes for you to accept it. Should you just fuck over everyone, be a manipulative monster, be a thief, and or counterpoints, idealized versions of yourself who would handle it better, what if you were raised by survivalist parents and such. You just see the selves that fit the this world better.
If you replay these fantasies from time to time, reference them when things happen, etc... this is a "platform" in which you can communicate with your irrational self, he can see/feel that fantasy, unlike abstract ideas. So you put the abstract ideas in that chess board you are playing with him.
The pieces will move by themselves, but that is him responding, so to say.
Doing other shit like lucid dreaming will make the dialogue far more intense and effective, but its not necessary.