Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 20:32 No.53814 del
>Who ever said it was a rags to riches story?
she did. that's THE HWOLE POINT you fucking retarded american piece of shit

>Damn that's a stark way to state it.
I mean I could probably get a lot of pity if I tried, but that's no way to live

>Are you really that avoidant with eye contact? I didn't mean to be disingenuous when I was asking.
No, I don't really avoid eye contact anymore. I used to, though. It's not something I enjoy (some people seem to seek it out unnecessarily) but it doesn't bother me anymore, at all. I can also wear denim, which was quite literally impossible for me as a kid/teen, but I still struggle with that more than the eye contact tbh, I wear cotton sweatpants almost exclusively. That's not a problem at all obviously. It's the social stuff that makes life so hard

>That's curious considering their autism, and usually their sexuality too, is on a spectrum.
the autists claiming sexuality is a spectrum are the trannies. the ones on the /pol/ side disagree. but notice how they're all either /pol/fags or trannies

what good is she looking like that? just dump her in a mass grave