Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 08:52 No.53876 del
(167.48 KB 1440x1795 emmabrooks_HLvW4yIV_o.jpg)
>I thought I could trust you being white and all. But clearly you're in league with them. The signs were there all along. He likes black metal (blackrock), he's into alex daddario and ryley ladd (both known cultists), he's german (no germans are actually german they're all either turkish, jewish or a combination of both, unless they're austrian)
A while ago I googled my grandma's birth name as well as my last name, and I found some jewish people with the same name, so I might be jewish. On the other hand I remember speaking to my grand parents and they told me they passed the aryan test they did in Germany at that time. And my grandpa who is still alive, was in the Waffen-SS