Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 08:54 No.53953 del [Embed] this is an interesting one. super atmospheric and super melodic (like, abba or blur levels of melodic at certain points) at the same time, pretty rare in a DSBM album. I don't love it but I don't hate it either. I think the guy has talent, he just needs to make something more raw and genuine and less inoffensive the next time around

yes, it's romantic I guess. I've never been one to display what's inside me on the outside, wear stuff on my sleeve is how the englandos like to say that I think. The one thing I did keep was a mate (as in, the cup or container where the yerba mate goes) that one of my therapists gave me for my bday before she quit and moved overseas, with my name engraved. She was a good person so I liked her even if she struggled to understand my autismal ass. But I'm not the type of person that keeps a lot of objects like that or gets tattoos or dresses in a certain style according to my tastes or beliefs or any of that stuff. I keep everything inside. Of course people are stupid and probably just assume I'm boring, but like you said that really shouldn't matter to me