Doc 05/12/2024 (Sun) 04:18 No.54602 del
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I abide by proportionality of threat and response. Under-responding and over-responding lead to more danger.

A woman being a slut, in the context of like a family member or a a spouse, is a considerable vulnerability in your personal circle. She is very likely to bring bad actors into your life and of your loved ones, she is eroding your authority which is necessary for their and your own protection under other circumstances, etc...
The threat needs, on a mid-term basis, be contained or insulated. If ignored, it will cause problems.
Collectively we already massively undermined the authority of men in society and in their own home, so isolating is the most logical choice. But collectively, men should incentivize and try to bring about a return to a culture of respect, and that includes slapping hoes some times.