Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 09:52 No.54745 del
>Endless OS 6 comes with a redesigned, easier to use, and more interactive screenshot and screen recording experience. Tapping the PrintScr key or the new icon in the system menu brings up an interactive menu to select an area, app, or screen to take a screenshot or recording of. It even remembers the area you select between uses, making it even easier to take several screenshots for comparison. It might seem like a niche thing, but we think you'll like it the next time you want to share a screenshot or recording of something on your screen.
niche? niche?! that's LITERALLY THE EXACT PRECISE TYPE OF THING YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE IN AN OS. the whole point of switching from one OS to another is for FEATURES not for a different kernel or for the branding