Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 16:26 No.55035 del
(6.09 MB 4624x3468 nail tech (1).jpg)
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(5.03 MB 4624x3468 nail tech (3).jpg)
(5.25 MB 4624x3468 nail tech (4).jpg)
(4.59 MB 4624x3468 nail tech (5).jpg)
A was the clipped one, B was the chisel tip one, X is the normal nail. I put A and B in to the same test piece and there was minimal splitting. X had some apparent splitting. I then drove a 2nd clipped nail into the X test piece and it split the wood where X was driven in (1st cross section pic). Then I split the wood where the 2nd clipped nail was driven in to get a cross section pic, notice the tiny wedge piece of wood that remained on the end of the nail. Then I drove another clipped nail through the A B piece of wood and put all 3 nails through the back side of the wood to see what would happen. Interesting that the chisel tip shot a chunk out but didn't make any splitting.

I didn't know you were that familiar with woodworking.

Still nowhere near enough money to buy a place to live, so I will use it to upgrade my parent's house, build or have built a decent place to park my car, then buy a nice paint job for my car. Maybe some upgrade surgeries too.
Nice leather pants.