Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 14:37 No.55524 del
>it's interesting to think about ooga booga times when that wasn't a thing
I think it was always kind of a "thing". Like an evolution of the idea of "apes together are strong". If three cro-magnon chads worked together they could kill individual competitors and have their way, and then it became 10 cavemen working together, then 100. Like a tribal arms race.
As for being able to leech of the state. I think women having influence in society lead to that kind of thing, at least in part. Foids love to complain about poor people and criminals, they're much more motivated to make a scene when someone like George Floyd gets killed, then when say some promising student gets killed by a George Floyd. It's an interesting question and this is just my retarded guess.

I thought of you when I saw the LED one.
There's no specific joke with the MGS one, other than whatever tranny squad remade the graphics made Boss look uglier.

>but no from India
What kind of accent does she have? if any