Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 12:50 No.55780 del
I think something people fail to understand is that you can accept the hand you were dealt by the universe (good luck trying to reject that anyway) while still refusing to play by the rules that other people set for you for their own benefit and convenience. They're two different things; just because you refuse to be the loser character they need for their little play or some other ultimately arbitrary archetype dreamed up by society doesn't mean you're some insane freak trying to be someone he's not. Quite the contrary, that's you being exactly who you were supposed to be, as realized by the ruling forces that should matter, such as nature. Do you trust the academics's studies or your neighbor's or coworker's opinion of you more than you trust your own gut instinct? I realize this may sound like schizo anprim talk at first, but it's not that at all. It's about making your own choices, which are no more arbitrary than the decisions other people make for you, it's not necessarily about doing anything violent or "bad"