Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 12:36 No.55868 del
Notice how once again I'm not sleeping. I'm not even going to try to fix my sleep schedule ever again. This is it. This is me. I would never cause anyone harm intentionally (unless they really deserved it) but I'm also done pleasing anyone intentionally. No more doing anything for anyone else unless it makes sense TO ME at that moment in time. By MY standards for what's wrong, what's right, what's useful and worth the effort and what's not. No more following people that are 30 or 40 IQ points behind me because they think they know what's better for me. I've had enough. If things go south and I die so be it. I'm convinced staying on the path I was on was going to kill me sooner anyway. You can only run on imaginary non-existent willpower for so long. It's like driving a car without any oil or printing lots of money to improve the economy