Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 23:53 No.55923 del
I keep having problems trying to use endchan on my phone. Dashchan is abandoned I think though I haven't tried it. KurobaEx wasn't working with the stable version, posts wouldn't go through (only on endchan, other sites worked), so I switched to the beta one. Posts go through now, but it struggles to load any large threads like this, usually failing the request after a few seconds. So I go on the website and try to post from there instead, but I quote somebody and the QR box pops up with like 20% of it already out of frame, and there's no way to drag it back in afaik. So I jump to the top and try to type in the main reply box, but the QR box moves up with me and blocks a big chunk of it, so I'm basically in the same place now. It's insane that the website is so broken on mobile and that the only up to date app doesn't work