Doc 07/16/2024 (Tue) 17:38 No.56732 del
I'm not saying it comes easy or naturally for men, just that it possible at all.

In the male case not only you (can) have more rationality, men have evolved to be able to "overrule" the emotional/instinctive behavior on occasion in order to act from reason (A sort of temporary psychopathy) if the circumstances need it. And the emotions and instincts evolved to survive in the real world, so they have a logical reason to them.

As a woman, their emotions and instincts evolved within a subreality of being just a part of the male, they evolved within a reality created by the male, which is illogical. And they never have been selected to have the trait of suppressing the emotions to act, them having it or not was not a a decisive factor in the survival of the group.

Capability of suppression alone doesn't really fix anything, but its a base requirement to even begin with.