Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 14:50 No.57018 del
I saw

>>Jewish man becomes "king of all money"
>Oh nice
The joke is that he already was the king of money since he is the CEO of Blackrock which owns everything in the world, but he would now be king treasurer as well. If that new is even true, it might be fake news. But it wouldn't surprise me
Jamie Dimon is suddenly also pro crypto and so on, as I posted before. everything magically falling into place

Nice deer, and nice savannas as well.
When it comes to animals I always love seeing animals. But I don't have the same love for humans or babies. Whenever people become overjoyed when they see a baby or child, I can never relate to them, but I do feel what I assume is the same love when I see animals like deers