Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:57 No.57137 del
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Random microblog post about my mom:
My mom when she was in her psychosis state often wrote down on paper some nonsensical scribblings or random things, crazy manic ideas or whatever came to her head at the time; usually during the night, because she rarely slept when she was in her manic state. The next day I would then usually find a bunch of these writings on the kitchen table and throw them away, so that she would not get exposed to her own insanity. I don't remember any of what she wrote down there, but for some reason I remember one specific piece of paper where there was some scribbling and a drawing of some kind of primitively drawn animal of some kind and the word "O-KA-PI" repeated several times. Since she often just made up words I just assumed it was some made up fantasy animal she had thought of in her crazy state of mind. But the drawing looked so funny because it had a smiley face on it, so I kept the drawing. And now today I just saw this post in Twitter. It was actually a real animal